2021 - The Distant Points We (Didn't) Travel To
Here at Distant Points we want to thank everyone for supporting us by reading, commenting and sharing the blog and the content we create, it’s much appreciated! As I did last year, I wanted to share my thoughts around some of the articles that we’ve covered here and my plans for the new year.
The Story from 2021
Unlike 2020, the story for the beginning of 2021 was a quiet one, with promising horizons. That said, by early March it was looking like we were going to be able to travel in the summer as vaccines were being distributed. Hope was on the horizon! It was time to book flights!
Return of the busy airports
Although the Olympics and Euro 2020 didn’t work out, I did book domestic travel for the summertime as I was fully expecting to be able to travel domestically. In Ontario, I was able to travel to Prince Edward County and Kitchener (home of the new, really great, Cat 1 Hyatt Walper Hotel)
I was able to travel to PEI (although we had troubles getting off the Island), and we were compensated $1000 each for that flight!
Back in PEI!
Additionally, I went back to Vancouver and Vancouver Island for a wedding. I even sucked it up in Economy class to review the Westjet Dreamliner’s economy product! While I haven’t finished all my reviews, I can say that I’ve been to Whistler a few too many time's on points, but at least I can tell you that the Westin Whistler is the best Miles & Points hotel there.
Me, in economy, reviewing the flight
As a finale, I managed to finally get out of the country and enjoy some sun. I recently reviewed my stay at the Excellence El Carmen, and while it wasn’t perfect, it was great to spend some time in the Sun.
The Top Articles
Many of my most popular articles blew past previous most popular articles (including The Longest Flights from Canada). While Opinion articles drove traffic last year, this year our reviews and specific instructions were better for traffic.
The top 5 articles:
Air Canada Business Class - One Year On (787-9 Business Class Review)
WestJet's "Other ATC" charge is a Sham (and Why They Need to Drop it)
Air Canada Flight Cancelled due to "Crew Constraints" and TD Visa Insurance limitations
2022 - More to come!
I think 2022 is going to be a good travel year. While COVID isn’t gone, the Omicron strain may be the last major wave of the epidemic. While we’re hoping so, I do think that airlines and hotels will have to continue to be flexible with their loyalty programs and their cancellation policies.
That said, I suspect domestic travel this summer will be unsustainably busy. People may not be comfortable leaving the country, and many people haven’t seen their family in a long time while airlines are struggling for staff. This may leave angry customers and high prices for domestic travel this summer.
With regards to international travel, I hope to see Australia, New Zealand, and Japan opening their borders, although I don’t see an end in sight for China. I’m planning to make a few international trips this spring and summer to Spain, France, and Greece. In fact, I’m already making bookings now, as I suspect competition for hotels and award flights will be fierce.
Overall, while the immediate future is grim, we’re hopefully looking up and onwards, as more travel opportunities become present this year. While the next month is going to be tough after has a bit of a better outlook. May the travel be with you in 2022!